As part of the McDonald’s Community programme, Irish FA Foundation Club & Community Development Officer Diarmuid O’Carroll has been travelling the country delivering club development and masterclass coaching sessions to clubs across all levels of the game.
Diarmuid has delivered club tailored sessions at 9 clubs nationwide from Enniskillen to Comber and a range of locations in between. An additional 15 more clubs will feel the benefit of these sessions this year with more planned in future.
Every session has been, and will be different as they are personalised to suit the needs and desires of each club, either on or off the pitch.
This has proved to be a fantastic opportunity for clubs to upskill their volunteers and coaches through access to Diarmuid’s expertise at committee level in terms of structures, policies and the McDonald’s Clubmark scheme and on pitch through the implementation of new ideas, session plans and coach education sessions.
Clubs involved to date have been from the Amateur league, NIBFA, NIWFA and the sessions delivered have focused on teams ranging in ages, abilities and genders.
“I asked Diarmuid for some help on playing out from the goalkeeper and the session he delivered was extremely beneficial as it showed the defenders & midfielders how they could utilise width, depth and movement as well as the correct body shape to receive the ball effectively. Both myself and the girls really enjoyed it” – Carmoney Ladies
“The Coaching session facilitated by Diarmuid O’Carroll was delivered to the highest standard. Both players & Club Coaches learned from the session. The implementation of a new system especially 3-5-2, can be difficult but Diarmuid really helped the U16s adopt to it quickly & efficiently. The squad knew what was expected of them & this was translated to great effect in Foyle Cup games” - Draperstown Celtic F.C.
“Diarmuid's Club Development Visit to Comber Rec Ladies was a brilliant opportunity for our players to enjoy a quality session from a different coach, but also, more importantly, for our coaches to watch the session, and chat afterwards about the content and structure, gaining some valuable knowledge and tips to improve their own coaching” – Comber Rec Ladies
If you require any info Club Development queries please don’t hesitate to contact Diarmuid on docarroll@irishfa.com.