NORTHERN Ireland’s First and Deputy First Ministers held a reception at Stormont this week to celebrate the success of Deaf/Disability football.
Local team Belfast Deaf Utd has won the prestigious UK Deaf Football championship in three of the past four seasons and have qualified to participate in the European Deaf Champions League competition in Antalya, Turkey next April.
Irish FA Director of Football Development, Michael Boyd and Disability Football Manager, Alan Crooks attended the reception and the First and Deputy First Ministers were fulsome in their praise for the success of the Irish FA’s Football for All and Disability Football Strategies.
Anyone interested in becoming involved in disability football at any level can acquire further information from Alan Crooks via email acrooks@irishfa.com or telephone 07894614324.
Belfast Deaf Utd player and Action on Hearing Loss Health and Sports advisor Barry Campbell thanked the two Ministers for taking time out of their busy schedule to help raise the profile of deaf/disability sport and again paid tribute to support from the Irish FA.