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Monday 13 May 2024
Irish FA supports Clean Sport Week

The Irish Football Association is once again supporting Clean Sport Week, the annual awareness drive run by UK Anti-Doping (UKAD).

Each year the initiative champions clean sport, education and anti-doping initiatives with sports across the UK.

The theme for 2024 is “Journey to the Podium” and throughout the week, which runs until Friday, UKAD will be showcasing the importance of the clean sport journey through the lens of athletes and the elite sport community.

Chris Wright, the Irish FA’s Anti-Doping and Integrity Education Officer, said: “As we introduce doping control testing in both of our top domestic leagues, it is imperative that players and player support personnel understand all elements of being a clean athlete.

“Clean Sport Week gives us a platform to highlight this knowledge, backing up our continued education across the NIFL men’s and women’s Premierships, the NIFL men’s Championship and all Northern Ireland international squads, both male and female, from Under-17 through to senior.”

Later this week the Irish FA is set to launch a new anti-doping online education module which will enable all players and player support personnel within the game here to access the relevant knowledge.

“This short online education module offers an insight into the importance of clean sport and the knowledge base to ensure all our players play clean,” Wright explained.

UKAD insists anti-doping should be a key part of every athlete’s and support personnel’s journey and it should never be an afterthought.

A spokesperson said: “Clean sport is an essential part of our athletes’ journeys to the podium/in professional sport. It takes a lifetime of work, commitment and a network of support to help athletes perform at the very top. This effort can be taken away in a moment by doping.

“Creating a culture of clean sport is essential for the health and welfare of our athletes and the integrity of football. We all have a responsibility to keep sport clean, to raise awareness of anti-doping and to celebrate the successes of athletes through hard work, determination and by competing clean.”

UKAD’s Clean Sport Hub offers free education courses for athletes, students, coaches and practitioners.

Further information on Clean Sport Week and other UKAD anti-doping resources can be found at: