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Friday 17 May 2024
Irish FA launches anti-doping and integrity modules

The Irish Football Association has introduced a new education module to coincide with Clean Sport Week, the annual awareness drive run by UK Anti-Doping (UKAD).

The new module is one of two launched today as part of the association’s anti-doping and integrity education work. 

Chris Wright, the Irish FA’s Anti-Doping and Integrity Education Officer, explained: “We are excited to launch our first ever anti-doping online education module and view UKADs Clean Sport Week 2024 as the ideal platform to do so. 

Anti-doping education is a vital knowledge piece for all players and player support personnel andwe believe it is an extremely worthwhile and valuable asset for those within the game at all levels. 

This module offers an insight into the importance of clean sport and the knowledge base to ensure all our players play clean.”

The new module, which takes less than 30 minutes to complete, focuses on the world of anti-doping.

Those who complete the course will gain an understanding of anti-doping rules, how to check medications and supplements, and learn about Therapeutic Use Exemptions, doping control testing procedures and the importance of strict liability.

“It’s open to the whole football family. We would encourage all players and player support personnel from all levels to complete the module to ensure they are educated on all doping control matters,” said Wright. 

Each year Clean Sport Week champions clean sport, education and anti-doping initiatives with sports across the UK.  

The theme for 2024 is “Journey to the Podium” and throughout this week UKAD has been showcasing the importance of the clean sport journey through the lens of athletes and the elite sport community.  

UKAD insists anti-doping should be a key part of every athlete’s and support personnel’s journeyand it should never be an afterthought. 

The Irish FA’s anti-doping online education module can be accessed here. 

Meanwhile, the second online education module being launched by the Irish FA today focuses on integrity. 

The module details information around betting rules, inside information and match manipulation, and once again offers information within a short timeframe for players and player support personnel to understand the risks and rules in a challenging field.  

We encourage everyone from all levels of the game to complete both courses to upskill their knowledge base,” said Wright. 

The Irish FA’s integrity education module can be accessed here.