The Irish FA Foundation is welcoming applications from 18-24 year olds for the Young Leaders Programme.
The programme, which started in 2019, is made up of a group of young people involved in football in a variety of different capacities. They all have a passion for the sport. The group has shown great desire to see more opportunities for young people who wish to volunteer or work in football.
The Young Leaders Programme aims to provide a voice for young people in football and support the development of young leaders. It also helps the Foundation to gain more insight into what young people want from the beautiful game.
In the first application process, 11 successful candidates were appointed to form the committee of young leaders.
The Foundation intends (depending on applications and demand) to appoint a similar amount of volunteers in this new recruitment drive which opened on Monday 4 July and is set to close on Monday 22 August.
There have already been a number of really positive stories from the group and the programme has given all the young leaders involved an excellent opportunity to improve a wide range of skills and employment opportunities.
The initial group consisted of young people from a range of backgrounds with an excellent variety of experiences including coaching, statistical analysis, physiotherapy, refereeing, communications and leadership.
Current chair of the group Niall McCann commented: “I was nominated as the first chairperson of the Irish FA Young Leaders Programme at the start. I take great pride in this role as I really want to make a difference and help pave pathways for young adults in sport.
"I’ve already benefitted massively from being involved in the YLP. The networking with talented, driven and like-minded young people has been brilliant. If you are a young person and want a career in sport then this is the place to springboard yourself it. Sign up, become involved and reap the rewards.”
If you are 18-24 years old, have a passion for football and think you could be a voice for young people, please see the voluntary job description and complete the downloadable application below.
You can view the job description and download the application form below. When completed, send via email to kyle.robinson@irishfa.com before the deadline of Monday 22 August. If you have any further questions contact kyle.robinson@irishfa.com.