Further to the announcement by the Northern Ireland Executive that contact training is permitted from Monday 29 June we have produced some documents which will help continue to guide a safe return to football.
These are aimed at:
- Clubs
- Players
- Coaches
- Parents / Guardians
We understand there will be further detail provided by the Executive in the coming days on the return to competitive games from 17 July and we will issue guidance in this area once that detail becomes available.
Whilst a return to contact training is a welcome announcement, we also recognise that regulations preventing gatherings greater than groups of 10 are still in place.
Where squad training sessions are being planned, it is very important that the integrity of separate groups of 10 are maintained.
Whilst this regulation remains in place, we recommend no more than two distinct groups of 10 (including coaches) should train on a standard size football pitch at any one time.
We will update this guidance as regulations continue to change.