The Irish FA has noted the decision, released by Sport Resolutions, to dismiss an application brought by Donaghadee FC under the Arbitration Act 1996.
Following the decision of Mr. Nicolas Stewart QC to dismiss the arbitration case brought by Donaghadee FC 24 September 2020, the club subsequently lodged an application under Section 57 (3) of the Arbitration Act 1996.
This application sought to challenge part of this decision in respect of a claim which the club alleged had not been dealt with.
The subsequent decision of Mr. Stewart QC dismissed the whole of this application.
On 17 November 2020, Mr. Stewart QC issued a further decision regarding costs, finding that:
“DFC’s section 57 application failed. There was nothing in the way the IFA conducted its opposition to the application to counteract the general principle that costs should follow the event: see section 61 of the Act. That is what I now order.”
For full details please see the attached document.