With the NI senior squad experiencing regular success on the international stage, and junior squads expanding and gaining strength, the coaches identified the need to support well rounded development of the player.
‘Eat. Play. Win’, is a new programme designed by the Football and Social Responsibility Unit at the Irish FA, focusing on nutrition and hydration needs for effective participation for footballers, coaches and referees. The CP players were the first group to engage in the programme, ahead of a recent training session at Hanwood. With many of the participants engaging in CP football at an international level, it is important to ensure they fuel their body effectively to maximise on performance. The workshops look at the different nutrients needed for performance and recovery, recommended fluid intake for sport, as well as maintaining positive mental health.
Keith Gibson, Football Development Manager at the Irish FA said, “We are delighted to be able to further support the development of the CP players through the ‘Eat. Play. Win’ programme. This resource can be adapted for any group, and offers essential guidance for sports nutrition, as well as everyday health and wellbeing. The Irish FA Youth Strategy “Let Them Play” has a strong focus on the health and wellbeing of young players, and we hope that these workshops can support young people fulfilling their potential both on and off the pitch.”
The ‘Eat. Play. Win’ workshops are now available for clubs, organisations and coaches, and can be adapted to any age, group size or level. Booking enquiries or questions can be forwarded to Claire Adams, Irish FA Outreach Project Officer on claire.adams@irishfa.com or 07730763851.