Football clubs and coaches in the Belfast area are being urged to sign up for free online courses being staged as part of the Stadium Community Benefits Initiative.
SCBI, the social responsibility programme run by the Irish FA Foundation in conjunction with Belfast City Council and the Department for Communities, is supporting the online workshops to boost club development.
First up is a course entitled Simple Steps to Create a Club Development Plan on 14 February at 7.30pm.
Provided by Sport Northern Ireland, it will highlight the importance of club planning and provide information on the steps a football club can take to create their own development plan, including creating a vision, objectives and actions as well as who to involve.
The following week SCBI is supporting a course entitled Equity in Sport and Physical Activity in association with UK Coaching. It is being held on 21 February at 7.30pm.
The workshop will help participants to challenge inequitable situations and find ways to make changes to their coaching and environments to promote greater equality for all.
Additional information on the course can be found by following the link below:
UK Coaching is also providing a course looking at unconscious bias on 14 March at 7.30pm.
The session is aimed at helping participants to understand biases, recognise that everyone has them and to challenge reactions to them.
It will also examine the common types of unconscious bias: affinity bias, confirmation bias and group think.
Additional information on the course can be found by following this link:
To register interest for any of the courses please send your name and email address to Dean Holmes at the Irish FA Foundation - dean.holmes@irishfa.com.