The Irish Football Association has urged fans attending this year’s Irish Cup final to play a positive role in helping to pave the way for the return of large scale spectator events in Northern Ireland.
The Northern Ireland Executive has agreed that the cup final - it is being staged on Friday (21 May) at Mourneview Park in Lurgan - will be used as a “learning event” and up to 1000 fans will be able to sign up to attend.
It said the staging of the showpiece match will form part of a study to inform the future safe return of spectators to large scale venues in Northern Ireland.
The Irish Football Association has urged fans who will be attending the game to conform with the rules and regulations surrounding it.
Sean Murphy, the association’s Chief Operating Officer, said: “This is a great opportunity for the Irish FA and for football fans to help inform the return of increased numbers of spectators to our games and other sporting events.
“We would urge anyone who is allocated a ticket by one of the finalists to comply with the terms and conditions for attendance. This means taking lateral flow tests before and after the event and doing the right thing if they test positive before the event.
“It also means following public health advice on travelling to and from the venue, following guidance at the event, including the mandatory wearing of face coverings, and providing feedback on the matchday experience after the event through a survey.”
Department for Communities officials have been working with Sport NI, councils, the Sports Ground Safety Authority and governing bodies of various sports throughout the lockdown period on developing guidance for a return of spectators to stadiums.
While all the governing bodies have expressed an interest in assisting with learning events, the Irish Cup is the first significant stadium event as Northern Ireland emerges from the latest Covid restrictions, the COO explained.
“The Irish FA will be delivering the event and it presents a timely opportunity for an Executive-led logistical and operational learning event in a stadium that is capable of accommodating up to 1000 fans in a safe manner with social distancing and mitigations in place,” he added.
Arrangements for the staging of the match include access to the game, which will be strictly controlled and on a ticket-only basis to enable contact tracing systems to work effectively.
In addition spectators, teams and staff will be required to take a Covid test before and after the match, with proof of a negative result to be provided on arrival.
Facilities for random sampling of spectators are going to be available on site to help assess the effectiveness of the testing programme. “This will be on a voluntary basis and fans’ assistance with this would be appreciated,” said Mr Murphy.
Social distancing measures are set to be in place at the event and face coverings must be worn at all times in the stadium, while no food or beverages will be served at the game.
The Executive further revealed the behaviours of spectators are going to be monitored and fans will be invited to provide feedback after the event.
The Irish FA, in association with the Executive, has also created an FAQs (frequently asked questions) document for fans attending the final on Friday. It can be accessed below.
What is the aim of this Learning event?
The objectives of running an event for logistical and operational learning are to:
- provide information in relation to the effectiveness of testing and transmission of the virus for consideration in conjunction with the totality of the evidence from the large event pilots being run elsewhere;
- provide learning from the logistics of testing building on the learning emerging from the Events Research Programme;
- increase community confidence in attending such events;
- demonstrate the willingness of the Executive to get larger events up and running again;
- glean learning on the wider aspects of running larger scale events to inform best practice; and provide Governing Bodies and clubs with an opportunity to demonstrate that they can deliver larger scale events with reduced social distancing safely to inform plans that would see financially viable numbers being accommodated.
How was this event decided?
DfC officials have been working with SportNI, Councils, Sports Ground Safety Authority and the Governing Bodies throughout the lockdown period on developing guidance for a return of spectators to stadiums.
While all the Governing Bodies have expressed an interest in assisting with Learning Events the Irish Cup is the first significant stadium event as we emerge from the latest restrictions
The IFA will be delivering the event and it presents a timely opportunity for an Executive led Logistical and Operational Learning Event in a stadium that is capable of accommodating up to 1000 fans in a safe manner with social distancing and mitigations in place.
Who is attending this event?
The target capacity for this learning event is 1,000 spectators.
Will social distancing be in place for this event?
Yes, reduced social distancing must be maintained by all attendees at this event.
Will participants need to wear a mask?
Yes, participants will be asked to ensure that face coverings are worn at all times, even when seated.
Isn’t there a risk running this event with large numbers of people?
Public safety is our main priority and the event has be designed in a controlled way with special consideration to reduce risk of transmission.
All spectators, staff, media representatives and other attendees will be asked to provide evidence of a negative test result taken no more than 48 hours before the event. No-one with symptoms of Covid-19 will be permitted entry to the event
Mitigations such as social distancing and wearing face coverings unless exempt will be in place.
Isn’t there a risk that running this event with large numbers of people is just going to spread the virus further?
All spectators, staff, media representatives and other attendees will be asked to provide evidence of a negative test result taken no more than 48 hours before the event.
No-one with symptoms of Covid-19 will be permitted entry to the event
Mitigations such as social distancing and wearing face coverings unless exempt will be in place.
What Covid safety measures will be in place at the ground?
Attendees will not be permitted to attend the event if they have any symptoms of Covid-19.
Entry will be denied to those who cannot provide evidence of a negative test result. Social distancing must be observed, face coverings will be required unless exempt and hand sanitising stations will be readily available.
Cleaning/decontamination protocols will be adhered to in advance of and during the event.
What conditions must I agree to in order to attend the event?
All spectators, by purchasing or by being allocated a ticket, agree to all terms and conditions of the event and therefore consent to being a participant in this test event. If a spectator under the age of 16 is attending the event, the parent or guardian purchasing their ticket will agree to the terms and conditions on their behalf.
These include:
- Each ticket holder gives their consent to attend as a participant of a test event.
- Each ticket holder over the age of 16 must take a Covid 19 test 24-72 hours prior to the final and be in the possession of their negative test result. They must also re-test 2 and 8 days after attending the final.
- Each ticket holder must wear a face mask at all times within the Stadium.
- All ticket holders must sit only in the seat stated on their ticket.
- All ticket holders must abide by the stadium and stand entrancing stated on their ticket.
- Social distancing guidelines must be adhered to at all times
Who is collecting my data?
The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) will collect certain personal data as data controller for the purposes of testing for the Learning Event.
This may be shared with the PHA Contact Tracing service if an individual tests positive. Anonymised data may be recorded for the purpose of evaluating lessons learned from the event. IFA will also process certain data for the purposes of progressing your application and administering your tickets to the Cup Final and will be an independent data controller in respect of that data.
Your data will not be shared outside these bodies.
What personal data will be collected from participants in order to attend the event?
Attendees are asked to confirm that they have read the FAQs for the event and that they consent to the terms and conditions associated with the learning event, given the increased risk of COVID 19 transmission on account of the relaxation of some risk mitigation factors (social distancing and numbers attending). The purchasing of a ticket is dependent on this consent being given.
Personal data collected will align with that required for the purposes of testing and purchasing a ticket.
What will happen if participants do not provide this data?
If participants do not consent to the terms and conditions of the learning event and do not agree to their data being collected as outlined above, they will not be attend the event.
Is there an age limit for attendance?
No, there is no age limit for attendance at this event.
What type of testing is involved?
All attendees will be asked to carry out a rapid COVID Lateral Flow Test (LFT) no more than 48 hours before the event.
These rapid COVID tests are processed at home and provide a result within 15-30 minutes.
All test results must be uploaded to https://www.gov.uk/report-covid19-result. The result will be confirmed in a text message and an email will be sent to the contact details provided.
Guests who test positive using the rapid COVID test should seek a confirmatory PCR (laboratory processed) test. PCR tests are available at sites across Northern Ireland, or by booking a test for home delivery. Further details are found at https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/forms/should-i-get-tested-coronavirus-covid-19.Anyone testing positive should have a confirmatory PCR (laboratory processed).
Without exception, proof of a negative lateral flow test conducted within the preceding 48 hours must be provided upon arrival to gain entry to the stadium. In the event that evidence of a negative test result is not available, spectators will be asked to carry out a Lateral Flow test at the event.
Guests attending the event may be chosen at random to undergo rapid COVID testing prior to being admitted to the ground as an additional safeguarding measure.
Attendees will be asked to perform follow up rapid COVID tests on days 2 and day 8 after the event.
Testing can be provided to anyone over the age of 16. Test kits must be collected by someone over the age of 18.
What testing verification must I show to enter the grounds?
Entry to Mourneview Park Football Stadium, Lurgan on match day is dependent on providing evidence of a Negative Rapid Lateral Flow Test result, and the test must be taken no more than 48 hours before entry to Mourneview Park Football Stadium.
All attendees must provide evidence of a negative Rapid Lateral Flow test result taken within the previous 48 hours on arrival at the grounds in order to gain access.
The Lateral Flow Test can take place from 5pm on 19 May for Irish Cup Final on 21 May.
What happens if someone refuses to show a test result will they be denied entry?
Entry will be subject to a negative test result. In practice this will work in much the same way that international travel has taken place in recent months - entry will be denied to those who cannot provide evidence of a negative test result.
Will participants have to pay for testing?
All testing is free.
Will the test kits be sent with the tickets?
No, electronic tickets will be sent to spectators and separate arrangements are in place for test kits to be provided to spectators.
What testing verification must I show to enter the grounds?
Entry to Mourneview Park Football Stadium, Lurgan on match day is dependent on providing evidence of a Negative Rapid Lateral Flow Test result, and the test must be taken no more than 48 hours before entry to Mourneview Park Football Stadium.
The Lateral Flow Test can take place from 5pm on 19 May for Irish Cup Final on 21 May.
What happens if someone is unable to provide evidence of a negative test result?
Entry will be subject to a negative test result. In practice this will work in much the same way that international travel has taken place in recent months - entry will be denied to those who cannot provide evidence of a negative test result.
Will participants have to pay for testing?
All testing is free
How do participants prove they have had a Lateral Flow Device test and that the result is negative?
Guests attending the event will receive a text message and email confirming the results of their test once they have uploaded the results to the testing portal.
What should participants do if they get a positive result from a Lateral Flow Test?
Should you receive a positive PCR test result, you will be asked to adhere to national guidance following the positive PCR test. You may be asked to take further confirmatory tests as necessary.
Do I need to take a PCR test?
To aid the learning, participants are asked to undertake a Lateral Flow Test (LFT) at home no more than 48 hours prior to their attendance at the event and again five days after attendance at the event.
LFT tests will be provided to participants.
Entry to Mourneview Park is not dependent on evidence of a negative LFT test being shown prior to entry to the event.
Testing will allow learning on Covid-19 virus transmission. The test results will be used to make comparisons between pre and post-match virus prevalence amongst attendees.
What should I do if I get a positive PCR test result?
Should you receive a positive PCR test result, you will be asked to adhere to national guidance following the positive PCR test. You may be asked to take further confirmatory tests as necessary.
Are those attendees who are under 16 required to take part in testing?
No, attendees under 16 are not required to be tested.
Waste water and environmental testing (contact surfaces and Air)
Consideration is being given
Will spectators be charged for tickets?
The price of tickets are £20 for adults and £10 for concessions and it is the responsibility of the participating clubs to facilitate the payment process.
How will tickets be distributed?
Tickets will be distributed by email
How do you recommend people travel to pilot events?
Supporters will be advised to travel by car and avoid public transport in line with current guidance
If I can no longer attend, can I pass on/change the name on my ticket?
No – tickets must be used by the named individual. If you or a guest are no longer able to attend, please inform your club as soon as possible.
What time should participants arrive?
Gates will be open 90 minutes before kick-off. Participants are asked to arrive at least one hour prior to kick-off to go through all necessary entry procedures.
How will fans be seated at the Cup final?
All spectators will be allocated a seat that facilitates social distancing requirements. It is important that spectators remain in the seat allocated to them and do move to another seat.
Will the usual facilities within venues such as toilets and hospitality be open?
Toilets will be open and regularly sanitised.
Hospitality will not be available.
Will alcohol be allowed at the event?
No alcohol will be permitted inside the venue.
At what time should I arrive at the event?
Gates will open 90 minutes prior to kick off at 18:45 to reduce queues
How will entry and egress be managed?
Entry and egress will be managed by stewards.
Spectators are asked to maintain social distancing whilst queuing to enter and leave the venue and to be patient.
Can family members sit together?
Each fan will have an individual seat with one vacant seat between each fan
Is singing or music allowed?
Yes, singing is allowed but all spectators will be required to wear face coverings at all times
How will movement inside the venue be managed?
Stewards will be in attendance to support attendees.
Will I be refunded if I test positive between purchasing my ticket but before the event?
If a supporter who has been allocated a ticket tests positive they can no longer use that ticket. It will be their responsibility to report this directly to the club. The ticket cannot be reissued but the club may allow the supporter to pass this onto another supporter. If this is the case that supporter name must be provided and will replace the name of the supporter that can no longer attend. The supporter confirmed as attending the match must take a Lateral Flow test prior to the event and confirm that they comply with the terms and conditions associate with the event.
The club will inform the IFA of these changes in advance of kick-off.
How will those who require assistance/accompanying person be accommodated?
Those supporters who require an accessible ticket should make their club aware. A complimentary ticket for an essential companion will be allocated if required and both ticket holders will abide by the standard terms and conditions of the ticket.