Sport NI, in partnership with the Department for Communities, has opened expressions of interest for eligible sporting organisations to get their hands on the COVID Safe Sport Pack.
The programme aims to assist sports organisations with management of the ease of lockdown and a safe return to sport during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Any organisation that has a primary role in delivering sport and physical recreation can apply to Sport NI’s fund to request a Covid Safe Sport equipment pack.
These include:
- Governing Body of Sport recognised by Sport NI (with an office base in NI)
- Constituted local sports clubs affiliated to a Governing Body of Sport recognised by Sport NI
- Community and Voluntary sector organisations that deliver or enable sport and/or physical recreation as their primary activity. Sports and Activities must be recognised by Sport NI.
- Registered NI charities that deliver or enable sport and/or physical recreation as their primary activity. Sports and Activities must be recognised by Sport NI.
Clubs and sports organisations will receive a Covid Safe Sport pack containing disinfectant wipes, hand sanitiser, face masks, gloves, fluid repellent apron, face shield, return to sport signage pack, return to sport protocol information (signposting to current guidelines), circular stickers (x20) – reminder of social distance, tape, Sport NI Covid-19 durable posters.
Initally, Sport NI will have up to 2,500 packs to distribute, allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Delivery of the pack is expected to begin at the end of October and is in partnership with Ulster Supported Employment Ltd (USEL).
Click Here To apply for a Covid Safe Sport Pack
For more information email: covidsafe@sportni.net