Inside information is information you have become aware of through your involvement at your club or other clubs which is not publicly available.
For example, you may find out your club is about to appoint a new manager before this news is made public. This is inside information, and you are not allowed to use it for betting purposes.
The Rules
• You are not allowed to use inside information to place a bet or to instruct someone else to place a bet on your behalf;
• You are not allowed to pass inside information on to someone else which they then use for betting;
• You may be in breach of the rules if you pass inside information on to someone else even if you did not know they were going to use it to bet. If you could have reasonably known that they would use it for betting then you may still be in breach of the rules;
• You should be aware that the passing of information would not just be by word of mouth. The rule applies equally to emails, texts and/or social media.
• A player at one club tells a player at another club in the same league that they have heard who the new manager at their club is going to be. The player receiving the information places a bet on who the next manager will be. This is a breach by the player giving the information as they have passed on inside information and it has then been used for betting purposes. It is also a breach by the player receiving the information as they have used information that is not publicly known for betting, and they have bet on a football matter within their league competition
• A chairperson is called by a friend on the morning of a game and they get chatting about that day’s game. The chairperson tells the caller their star striker and first choice goalkeeper have just failed fitness tests and the team will be severely weakened. This information is not publicly known. The friend then has a bet on the chairperson’s team to lose. This is a breach because the chairperson has passed on information that is not publicly available that has been used by their friend for betting.