Below you will find information on the Referee Beginners' Course helping you with early first steps in your refereeing career.
How do I sign up?
You can register for the course here. Currently the course costs £50.
The fee covers all aspects of your course. An additional fee of £35 is required for an Access NI check which must be completed as a requirement to referee youth football.
What does the course entail?
The course consists of four modules which are part classroom and part pitch-based. Each module contains visual presentations on the laws of the game, including match day videos.
This will provide you with onfield skills and understanding of fouls, how to conduct yourself as a referee using the laws of the game. More detail on this can be sourced by emailing referees@irishfa.com
Once payment is received you will be sent full details for your registered course.
Safeguarding Workshop
An Irish FA safeguarding workshop must be completed within six months of becoming a youth level referee. Full details on IFA Safeguarding can be found here
Complete your Access NI check
All new referees must complete an Access NI check and provide as number to complete your registration. Thereafter, referees are required to renew Access NI certification every three years. More detail on this can be sourced by emailing referees@irishfa.com
Register as a Referee
Once you have completed the Referees Beginners' Course you will need to register with your local Referees’ Association.
There is an annual fee for registering with your association which must be paid before June 1 every year. Details on how to pay this will be provided when you pass the course. More information on this can be sourced by emailing referees@irishfa.com