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Protect Your Sport

Protecting clean sport depends on everyone playing their part - players, coaches, or parents - whether on centre stage or behind the scenes. 

Speak out if you feel there’s something wrong - no matter how small. UKAD guarantee that your identity will always be kept 100% confidential.

There are different ways to speak out:

  • - Email - When you feel something’s wrong, send an email. UKAD guarantee that your name and email address will be kept confidential. Email at
  • - Online Form - Tell us what you know via our online form on You will remain anonymous as standard, but if you choose to share your details confidentially it could help us catch those in sport who seek to cheat
  • - 24/7 Hotline - Call on 08000 32 23 32. We are here to listen. If you prefer to remain 100% anonymous you can. Or if you share your details, they will be kept confidential, and may help keep sport clean

Find out the more about speaking out and Protect Your Sport here.

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